Sunday, July 27, 2008

Health Care in America

Patients await dental care at the Remote Area Medical (RAM), clinic July 26, 2008 in Wise, Virginia. The free clinic, which lasts 2 1/2 days, is the largest of its kind in the nation, and organizers expected to treat more than 2,500 people over the weekend, mostly providing dental and vision services. Residents of the 'coal counties' of Appalachia are some of the most impoverished in the nation, and most are either underinsured or have no health insurance at all. For many, the RAM clinic is the only medical care they may receive each year. Healthcare for the nation's disadvantaged has become one of the main issues in this year's presidential race. Photo by John Moore/Getty. - ANDREWSULLIVAN.COM

1 comment:

AtomicTaTa said...

About the last 4 entries - YOU ARE ON FIRE!! Good stuff - had to pass it along to some of my lesser enlightened family members. I have to agree with litton though...Monster Trucks maybe?