Tuesday, July 22, 2008

John McCain's Neverending War

Just got back from a relaxing vacation. It's time to get serious here. 104 days till the presidential election . . . And the differences between the two are clear. Here's an example of what I'm talking about. . .

John McCain talking about the Iraq war from 2002 through the present, exposing -- in his own words -- the lie behind his claim that he was the war's "greatest critic." It demonstrates his chilling commitment to fighting this war no matter what the people of America -- or Iraq -- want.

It is long -- nine minutes, thirty seconds -- but much of the material it contains will likely be new to you...and devastating to McCain.

Please share it with your family, friends, and acquaintances throughout the netroots. We may not have a cable TV channel, but with YouTube, through word of mouth, we can level the playing field -- so please digg it, reddit it, post it in blogs and comments.

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