Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Obama and Politics of Race


The Right, Race, And Obama
29 Apr 2008 05:37 pm
Brendan Loy makes an obvious point:
The truth is that Obama is speaking to black people, too -- he's speaking to everyone -- and he is sending a very clear message: enough with the bullshit. Haven't conservatives been waiting for a black leader to do that for, like, forever?
This is the promise of the Obama candidacy, encapsulated and made real. Obama is urging blacks to leave behind, once and for all, the politics of conspiratorial victimhood -- the politics of Jeremiah Wright and, although Obama can't afford politically to say so explicitly, of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton -- and embrace the politics of unity and hope and, ultimately, self-empowerment.

1 comment:

Gonzo said...

Obama may be ahead of his time. His idealism is one that is not shared by too many African-Americans. A good number of them will view him as a sell-out to the white man; poisoning his intentions for everybody who has worked hard to improve themselves for a better future. We weren't ready forty years ago; but there was more "buy in" for MLK with all people of color. Hopfully I will be proven wrong and the "Dream" will be fulfilled.