Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ten things to know if you're having Thanksgiving with Republicans

Got this from You might want to prepare yourself. . .

10- President-elect Obama won by 8 million votes.

9- President Bush is probably drinking again.

8- Many media conservatives are furious with President Bush.

7- Experts say that Al Qaeda's recent video shows that the terrorists are afraid of President-elect Obama.

6- President-elect Obama is cocky enough to think he can pull this "economic miracle" shit off.

5- The "socialist" takeover of America's banks happened on Bush's watch.

4- The "Democratic" Senate has been working with a one vote majority, and that vote is Joe Lieberman. If they get to the "Magic 60," that sixtieth vote is still Joe Lieberman.

3- The majority of rich Americans voted to have their wealth spread.

2- President Obama will probably only get to replace liberal judges on the Supreme Court.

1- Cheer up, the GOP still owns the "racist belt!":

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