Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Self-Inflicted Prophecy"

December 10, 2008, 9:00 pm
Self-Inflicted Prophecy (New York Times)
By David Kramer
Years ago, I had had a run of terrible luck in my life. My career was going nowhere. I thought about going to see a shrink, but I was totally broke and I didn’t want to get myself involved in anything that was going to cost me lots of time and money. So I went to see a psychic. In my mind, it was just like seeing a shrink, only instead of wasting all that time mulling over my past, I could set some totally arbitrary goals and navigate my life through them, moving forward.

My wife knew this guy named Kevin and he apparently was quite good at this. I asked him if he could do a reading of my stars and numbers. He agreed.

Kevin told me almost right away that I was living with a black aura and that my career and money were my biggest issues. I knew right then that Kevin was legit. Kevin told me that I would struggle for many years in my career — I’m an artist — and that things would slowly get better and better. He then told me that in 10 years (this year actually, 2008), things would finally work out — I would never have to worry about money again.

Read the rest of the article here -

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